Sunday, February 6, 2011

Denying Admission

This music was stolen, inspired by a background music from Grey’s Anatomy season 2 episode 5’s scene, in which Grey admitted her feeling to McDreamy after denying it for a while. Sadly, I probably won’t be able to find out who wrote that beautiful piece of music.
Anyway, “Denying Admission” is a very short piece repeated twice with subtle ending so that it can be put on repeat non-stop and seamlessly, especially when we have “cross-fade” turned on in Winamp : )

The melody was built from variation of G-B-D notes, and the chord used was G-C-Dm-Em. It’s very simple to play, hence I was able to finish composing and recording it within 30 minutes.
About the title
Paradox is an interesting concept. When we say “I am lying”, are we admitting the truth or telling yet another lie? Similarly, when we are denying about our feeling, have we subconsciously admitted it? After all, if we don’t feel a certain way, we don’t have to convince ourselves of it because we won’t even be thinking about it. Isn’t it?